Angel Guardians, The Lost Era of The World: Age One

There was a time when the angels became very weak and needed to be guarded to carry out their celestial duties. The Angel Guardians were formed to guard the angels on duty. This period is called the After Luminos Era where the world finally recovered from the great chaos after God was angry and withdrew all of His troops and helpers to test all creatures to manage the world themselves without God’s intervention.

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Wetland of South Kalimantan 2021: The Existing Documentation of Wetland Example, Locations, Type, and Classification

Wetlands are areas with sensitive characteristics to various kinds of activities. The problem that arises is, its existence has not been a concern for both stakeholders and the community in developing countries such as Indonesia. South Kalimantan is one of the areas that is dominated by wetlands, which at first glance the number is shrinking every year.

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Angel Guardian, Zaman yang Hilang: Abad Satu

Sebuah masa ketika para malaikan menjadi begitu lemah dan memerlukan pengawalan untuk menjalankan tugas lagit. Dibentuklah Angel Guardian yang ditugaskan untuk mengawal para malaikat dalam bertugas. Masa ini disebut dengan After Luminos Era dimana dunia akhirnya pulih dari kekacauan besar setelah Tuhan marah dan menarik seluruh tentara dan PembantuNya untuk menguji seluruh makhluk agar mengelola sendiri dunia tanpa campur tangan Tuhan.

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